Passport Club Documents WHAT:A geography enrichment program WHEN:Once a month WHERE:In person or virtual using this form NEXT CHECKPOINT:April 1th Passport Club DocumentsThe following documents are the club materials for the 2020-2021 School Year: PassportClubStudyMaps.pdf PassportClubCheckatHomeForm CHECKPOINT DATESOctober 22ndNovember 5thDecember 3rdJanuary 7thFebruary 4thMarch 4thApril 1stMay 6thJune 3rd MATERIAL EXPLAINEDThe Map Study Guides and Forms Maps are copyrighted material that the Cherry Crest PTSA Curriculum enhancement fund pays for. These materials are only visible to users of this site who have completed registration.Materials should not be shared with others outside of Cherry Crest Elementary. If you would like to join Passport Club send an email with your student(s) name and teacher to