Principal Chat on Friday 11/19 @ 8:30 am (rescheduled)

Cherry Crest families are invited to attend monthly virtual meetings hosted by Principal Dusty Steere and PTSA president Reetika Saxena. All chats are online via Microsoft Teams and include information from the principal as well as ample time for questions and comments.

This month we will be joined by our school counselor to discuss mental health supports at school and how to talk with your child about difficult topics such as suicide.

A Reminder about Pre-Arranged Absences

With the holidays approaching, remember that Bellevue School District allows each student 5 pre-arranged absences (PRA) per year. These are excused absences to use for a travel day, a sport or dance competition or longer trip.

If your child will only be missing one or two days, please email

If your child will be missing 3 or more days, please submit a pre-arranged absence form at least 2 weeks prior to your trip.

Thank you for including your child’s full name when emailing for any attendance related matters!

High School Volunteers Offer Reading Buddies Program for K-1 Students

A group of local high school students are continuing their work as virtual Reading Buddies this school year – this time with both Kindergarteners and 1st graders!

Each Wednesday they host a Microsoft Teams meeting from 3:00-4:00pm to read with our students. This will include a read-aloud, discussion and comprehension questions, virtual activities like “I Spy,” and small group connection time with other students.

BSD Covid Testing Guidelines and Nurse News

COVID-19 screening and diagnostic testing is coming to Bellevue School District schools by November 5, 2021.

You will receive communication from your school with the date, location and time that diagnostic and pooled surveillance testing will begin at your school.

Children’s Masks Needed

Students are using a large quantity of disposable masks supplied by the school.  Please remember to send your child to school with a mask every day and include a spare in your child’s backpack. 

Please also consider donating a box of disposable children’s masks to your classroom and/or the front office.  Thank you for supporting the health of our community!

After School On Site Classes are Here!

We are pleased to announce that starting as early as Wednesday Oct 13th (soccer, tomorrow!), several after-school activities will be available on-site immediately after dismissal three days of the week! 

Many of the vendors are local businesses that have been long-time supporters and partners with Cherry Crest and we are so excited to welcome them back to provide enriching opportunities for our students! With classes starting soon, please sign up as soon as possible to help the vendors plan for how many students to expect. Hope to see you there!

Listed below are the classes being held each day, but be sure to visit our After School Activities Page for more details on each class as well sign up and contact details for each program.


  • Badminton (NWBA)
  • Magic (Xakary the Magician)
  • Spanish (Sponge)
  • LEGO (PlayWell)


  • Soccer (GOALS)
  • Mandarin (Sponge)
  • Theater – Peter Pan (Small Hands on Art)


  • Tennis (TGA)

– Your Cherry Crest PTSA

Passport Club is Returning in Person!

Would you like your children to learn the countries of the world? The Passport Club at Cherry Crest offers a multi-year introduction to world Geography. Learn more at

Farewell, Mrs. Nakamura!

Our beloved office manager, Susie Nakamura, had her last day at Cherry Crest on Friday September 24th. Students and families are invited to share a message of gratitude and goodbye to Mrs. Nakamura at:

Please enter your messages to Mrs. Nakamura latest by Sep 30, and these will be emailed to her.

Lunchtime Volunteer Opportunity

Thank you to the many parents who have asked how they can volunteer to support students during school lunchtime. Volunteers first need to complete the district background check and provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination, before signing up for a volunteer block.