Plastic Film Drive

Cherry Crest is doing our annual Plastic Film Drive

Please start to collect your plastic film at home, more information will be coming in the weeks to come.

Art Reflections Results

🌟 Reflections Bellevue Council Results Are In! 🎉 We are thrilled to announce that two Cherry Crest students have been recognized at the Bellevue Council level of the Reflections competition!

Girls on the Run!


👟🌟 Girls on the Run is BACK at Cherry Crest for Spring 2025! 🌟👟

Girls on the Run is coming back to Cherry Crest for the Spring 2025 Season! Girls on the Run is so much more than running. 3rd through 5th grade participants will have fun, make friends, increase their physical activity levels, and learn important life skills. Meeting twice per week after school, the season lasts 8 weeks and runs from the week of March 24th through the week of May 19th with a celebratory 5K fun run at Renton Memorial Stadium on Sunday, 5/18, to cap off the season. Meetings take place at Cherry Crest and will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:30-4:15pm.

👟Limited Spots Available! Register today at:

School Dance

Bring a chaperone and enjoy dancing, games, other activity stations, and desserts with friends and classmates! Dance week starts Monday, 2/3! Students will have a daily dance lesson and learn a choreographed dance with their grade level, which they will perform at the dance on Friday night!

When: Friday, February 7th from 6:30-8pm

Where: Cherry Crest Gym

Donate supplies/sign-up to bring treats, and volunteer Here.

Donate Clothes to the Cherry Crest Clinic

The Cherry Crest Clinic provides extra clothes for students who get dirty, have accidents, etc. The Clinic’s supply has gotten very low– they are in need of items for boys and girls: pants, tops, underwear, socks, and sweatshirts. All sizes are needed, especially for Kindergarten-3rd grade.

Help Volunteer for School Hearing Screenings

We’re seeking enthusiastic volunteers to assist with conducting hearing screenings under the guidance of our trained professionals. Training will be provided ahead of the screenings in person, virtually or via video tutorial for late Sept through October.

Picture Day is September 24th

Picture Day is September 24th, where your student will have both individual and class group photos. Online order instructions will be sent home with your child, so please be sure to check their backpacks. If your child misses the September 24th date or you are unhappy with their photo, there will be a make up picture day on November 19th.

Library Volunteers Needed

We need parent volunteers to help our wonderful librarians Mrs. Lux and Mrs. McClelland. Volunteers must attend a training first if they haven’t volunteered before in the library. The first training will be on Tuesday 9/17 at 2:40 PM.