Final Chance to Pick Up Yearbooks


Did you order a yearbook that you have not yet received? Remaining yearbooks for virtual students will be available for pickup on Thursday June 17th 12:15-2 pm. Please come to the doors outside the main office. Someone from the office will come outside to help you. This is your final opportunity to pick up your student’s yearbook this school year.

Note: there are no additional yearbooks available for purchase.

WA State PTA Convention: Legislative Update

The Washington State PTA Convention was held virtually May 18-23. PTA members across the state networked with each other and learned from a variety of educational seminars. At the general meeting, voting delegates approved a few Bylaw Amendments. View the Approved Bylaw Amendments at

Renew Your PTSA Membership Starting in August

Look for a direct email from Member Planet for existing members and a link on the PTSA website for new members. Please continue to show your support for your PTSA as we keep working together our comm(UNITY).

WSPTA Advocacy Webinar Materials Available

On June 8, 2021, the WSPTA Legislative Consultant Marie Sullivan led the webinar “All About Advocacy”, an overview of WSPTA’s actions during the 2021 legislative session. You can watch a recording of the webinar on the YouTube channel at and access the slide deck at

Congratulations to our Golden Acorn Award Winners!

Congratulations to this year’s Golden Acorn recipients: Dave Fandel, Britt Heath, Lubdha Khandelwal, and Alison Payne.

This award is presented to volunteers in recognition of their dedication and service to children and youth. In honor of their service to our community, a contribution in the name of the recipients is made to the Washington State PTA Scholarship Program. From these contributions, WSPTA is able to provide grants to freshman students entering post-secondary education.

Please Support Cherry Crest with Corporate Matching

Your donation can double with minimal effort, thanks to employer corporate gift matching programs.

Microsoft, Google, T-Mobile, Salesforce, Facebook, and many other employers match dollars their employees donate! Many also match time their employees spend volunteering.

Update on the PTSA General Membership Meeting

At last week’s Cherry Crest General Membership meeting the 2021-22 Budget was passed and we held a discussion about what the next school year will bring. If you would like information or have questions about the PTSA’s plans for next year please contact

National PTA Convention is Virtual June 17-26!

National PTA’s Convention will be held virtually Thursday, June 17 through Saturday, June 26, 2021. Normally held at different locations around the country, this is a unique opportunity to attend from the comfort of your own home.  All parents are invited to register and attend online.  The cost is $75. 

Note: As a registered participant you will also be able to view most sessions on demand for up to 90 days after the event. Seize the chance to expand your knowledge and skills through informative general sessions, workshops, meet-ups and the virtual Expo Hall!

News from the National PTA Legislative Conference March 9-11, 2021

This year’s National PTA Legislative Conference (LegCon) was held virtually on March 9-11, 2021. The purpose of the conference is to gather PTA members from across the nation to network with fellow PTA advocates, meet with your members of Congress, hear PTA advocacy success stories and learn how to shape public policy on Capitol Hill and at home. Cherry Crest PTSA’s Legislative Chair attended and met virtually with Congressional Staff from the Offices of Senator Patty Murray, Senator Maria Cantwell and Representative Adam Smith.

Spirit Gear Store is Open All Year

Red Cherry Crest T-shirt

Although the spring sale is over, our Spirit Gear store is still open! Shop anytime and support our school at