Update on Art Reflections

Thank you to all those that took part We received 14 wonderful submissions, 10 visual arts and 4 literature. Several of the pieces have been sent on to the Bellevue PTSA council for the nest level where art work from all school in Bellevue that take part will be judged to go forward to the next level. View the entries on the padlet https://padlet.com/alibpayne/aobt8ez3hec9c7aj

Congratulations to the following students who were voted for in the Cherry Crest choice awards

Mitali Khaimar, 5th Grade, Ms Jessa with I will change the world by..

Akshaya Ramprasad, 2nd Grade, BVA with Protect the Earth

Aahan Prakash, 2nd Grade, Ms Wells with How to stop climate change = clean air

Vote on Art Reflections Entries through Dec 4th

Art Reflections entries are now in! Come view the entries on the art reflections padlet from November 30th until December 4th 2021 and vote for your favorite one that fits the theme “I will change the world by…”


Results will be announced in the next few weeks.

Questions? Please email reflections@cherrycrest-ptsa.org

Read-a-thon Donations and Minutes Due Friday Dec 3rd

Read-a-thon Donations and Reading Minutes due Friday December 3rd!!

Donate here: https://bit.ly/3nkx1c9
Submit reading minutes here: https://bit.ly/3nhXMxJ

Thank you for participating in the Cherry Crest Read-a-thon and pajama day. Read-a-thon donations are due by Friday December 3rd to be eligible for prizes!

Thank You from the PTSA President

Even with all the additional chaos 2021 has presented us with, there is still so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. We’d even argue that one of the greatest gifts this challenging year has given us was a new perspective on the things we’ve been taking for granted all this time! A new perspective on just how grateful we are for the simplest of things. For this the PTSA would like to thank our comm(UNITY) for supporting each other and our school in so many ways. Thank you to our school professionals for their commitment every day to the students of Cherry Crest, for your dedication to education and organizational excellence in these difficult times and for striving to meet expectations, professionalism and cooperation. Also, I would like to thank our Cherry Crest families for staying connected and supporting students’ education through both in-person and virtual settings. I’m thankful for you showing your appreciation to our teachers, GSAs, and all our school staff. We, as a PTSA family are truly grateful for our comm(UNITY) and give you all our thanks!

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving,

Yours President
Reetika Saxena

Staff Appreciation for December 3rd: Kindergarten

Each month one grade level of Cherry Crest families shows appreciation for our outstanding educators by providing food and beverages for all teachers and staff. Most items can be sent in with your student to be dropped off in the Main Office.

Parents of Kindergarten students: December is your month! Sign up to participate at bit.ly/30Q2Z7F (due to the short month and upcoming break, all items are needed by December 3rd). Thank you for helping us continue this tradition of gratitude.

Questions? E-mail staffappreciation@cherrycrest-ptsa.org

Ready. . .Set. . .Read! Read-a-thon Starts Wednesday

Lunch with Principal Mr. Steere! Book selected by librarian Ms. Lux! These are some of the exciting prizes students can win by participating in the Read-a-thon.

The Read-a-thon is the first major Cherry Crest PTSA fundraiser of the school year. Students set reading goals, raise donations, read from November 24th to 28th (Thanksgiving break), and win exciting prizes! The details:

Read-a-thon kicks off with an all-school Pajama Day on Wednesday November 24th: send your kids to school in their PJs!

Reflections Entries Due Wednesday, November 17th

Reflections is a nationally acclaimed student recognition program to encourage artistic creativity. Students of all grades and abilities may participate and explore the arts based on the 2021/22 theme:

“I will change the World by. . . .”

Entries will be collected virtually on Wednesday, November 17th, 2021. If your student is unable to submit work this way, contact us and we will arrange to collect the art work.

Submit entries at https://www.cherrycrest-ptsa.org/reflections-program/ by end of day, Wednesday, November 17th, 2021. If any student is unable to submit work this way contact reflections@cherrycrest-ptsa.org and we will arrange to collect the art work.

Propose Parent Education Night Topics Today

Cherry Crest PTSA plans to host a virtual parent education night to support parents. Help us target the topic most relevant to you and your family by rating your interests by filling in this form.

Please fill in the form by end of day today (November 30th).

Shopping on Amazon? Remember to “Smile”!

Amazon Smile

Black Friday and Cyber Monday will be here soon!

Help Cherry Crest PTSA raise funds by selecting it as your preferred charity for the Amazon Smile program – Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase to the Cherry Crest PTSA! No cost is passed on to you.