Kindergarten Families: February is your month for Staff Appreciation

Attention Kindergarten Families! February is your month for Staff Appreciation!
What is Staff Appreciation? Each year Cherry Crest families show their appreciation for our outstanding educators by volunteering to provide food, beverages, and paper products throughout the school year to help restock the staff room and encourage our teachers with a monthly breakfast. Each Grade is assigned one month to focus their efforts. February is your month!
Sign-up to bring items here:

Staff Appreciation: 3rd Grade Families

Attention 3rd Grade Families! January is your month for Staff Appreciation!
What is Staff Appreciation? Each year Cherry Crest families show their appreciation for our outstanding educators by volunteering to provide food, beverages, and paper products throughout the school year to help restock the staff room and encourage our teachers with a monthly breakfast. Each Grade is assigned one month to focus their efforts. January is your month!

Thank a Volunteer!

Please help us recognize volunteers you’ve noticed be helpful in the school, classroom, after school, or just generally.

Fill out this short 2 minute survey to help put a smile on someone’s face for your recognition of their efforts!

Giving Month STEM Incentives coming home before Thanksgiving break

Thanks again for all your generous donations during Giving Month! All STEM incentives ordered/earned from Giving Month should be delivered to your student in their classroom by Thanksgiving break. Those who have earned blankets via Corp Matching will have delivery toward the end of January.

THANK YOU, CHERRY CREST! Let’s Dance Together!

Congratulations, Cherry Crest Chargers! Thanks to your incredible generosity and participation, we’ve reached our $120,000 Giving Month goal! We hope you had a fantastic time at October’s Carnival and Family STEM Night — we loved seeing everyone come together.

As a celebration for hitting our goal, we’re excited to announce that the School Dance on Friday, February 7th will now be a professional DJ’d dance party!

Art Reflections 2024-2025

Art Reflections 2024-2025 is accepting original Cherry Crest Elementary student art submissions with the theme of “Accepting Imperfections”


Thank you Cherry Crest Elementary for coming to the Carnival and all your generous donations for Giving Month. We’re now just $400 short of our $120,000 end of October goal!

This means we’re soooo close to turning our School Dance on February 7th into a professionally DJed dance that also will incorporate grade level performances