Environmental Science ImPact Club Registration Open

Day of week: Wednesday from 12:15pm-2:15pm
Start and end dates: 3/1 to 5/31 (No class April 12 – Spring Break)
Location: Cherry Crest Elementary School Art class
Cost: TBD based on participants who sign up for team competition.
Registration Link Environmental Science ImPact Club Flyer
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, February 22
Contact Person & Contact Info. scienceclub@cherrycrest-ptsa.org

Join us for Family Engineering Night – March 8th from 5:45 to 7:45 pm

Save the date to have your family join us at Cherry Crest for the much beloved Family Engineering Night March 8th from 5:45 to 7:45 pm. We encourage all family members of the Cherry Crest students to come and enjoy the fun and challenge together!  While families can come and go as you please, we encourage you to maximize your time to try to do all the challenges!

We cannot do this without help – Please Sign up to bring supplies or volunteer to set up or clean up.  We need many teen volunteers for the event to work as well!

The night will include:

  • 3 main challenges – boat building, launcher, mining for chocolate
  • 9 quick challenges
  • High school robotics teams demonstrations
  • Bee bot and Ozo bot programming
  • Coding

2022-23 Art Reflections Update

We will have an Art Reflections Recognition Ceremony on Tuesday, February 7th from 9:00am – 9:30am in the CCE Lobby area for all the 17 students from Cherry Crest who participated.

Three of the student’s art submissions are part of Bellevue Council PTSA Reflections finalists to Washington state level. Congratulations to Aahan Prakash (Photography), Aliera Zill (Literature) and Anastasia Kozlova (Dance)!! A virtual showcase & an in-person exhibition of all Bellevue Council entries to state level is coming shortly.

If you have any questions please send an email to reflections@cherrycrest-ptsa.org

Did you Know? WA State PTSA Monitors Washington State Legislation

The Washington State Legislature (House & Senate) convened on January 9 to consider bills and budgets for this year.

Subscribe to the Washington State PTA’s action alert e-mails to learn how you can have an impact.  The 2023 legislative session ends on April 29.  Learn the basics here.

You can also view Cherry Crest PTSA’s Legislative page for more details on how PTAs impact laws affecting education.  Questions? Contact legislativerep@cherrycrest-ptsa.org

Congratulations to Math Challenge Tournament Winners

Congratulations to Finley Cai (3rd grade), Akshaya Ramprasad (3rd grade), Alan Cheng (4th grade), Zixia Tan (5th grade) for winning the top 10% scorers in 2022 MCT! Thank you everyone for participating in the 2022 MCT.

Seeking Volunteers for PTSA Nomination Committee

The 2023-24 Cherry Crest PTSA Nominating Committee is looking for another member to help find and nominate volunteers for PTSA leadership positions for next school year.

We have Co-President, VP, Chairs and other executive roles open.

Please email Cherry Crest President or nominatingcommittee@cherrycrest-ptsa.org  with names and contact information (your own or others who may be interested!) by end of day, January 20th (this Friday) and we’ll be in touch to tell you more about the roles.

MOD PTSA Fundraiser is Wednesday January 18th

Only on the fundraiser day, Jan 18th, Cherry Crest PTSA will receive 20% of all digital and in-store fundraiser sales when you visit the restaurant and show this fundraiser flyer or mention the fundraiser at checkout, or order online with the digital coupon code MODF17410.