New Family Q&A Recap

On Tuesday October 5, parents exchanged tips about getting the most out of your child’s Cherry Crest experience.  Here are the highlights:

New Family Q & A tips – 
These are some tips for new families which can help them navigate their way around the workings of school, PTSA and administration. There are also some resources and handy emails to reach out to for questions and volunteering.
Tip #1 Speak up!
It’s important to let teachers, staff and/or PTSA know what you like so those resources or activities continue to be available.  Similarly, speak up about any struggles or challenges your student or family have.  The Cherry Crest Community is always looking to improve and do better.
Where to start with a question or comment? Your child’s teacher, School Secretary Kathy Bessler ( or PTSA ( or  PTSA will respond the quickest and if not able to answer the questions, PTSA volunteers will direct you to the right person quickly.
Tip #2 Set goals and act on them!
Overcome information overload by deciding what you and your family want to get out of your child’s Cherry Crest experience.  Pick 1 or 2 areas to focus on and then act accordingly.  See examples below.
Example Goal: Sense of Belonging
  • Read ‘Take Action & Calendar’ in weekly PTSA Newsletter (Chatter) looking for volunteer opportunities or events for your child or family to participate in
  • Scan monthly Principal Chronicler and Teacher e-mails for similar opportunities
  • Attend meetings or events that meet this need
  • Volunteer (if available during the school day, volunteering in the school library is useful for getting to know your child’s classmates)
  • Use online directory (DirectorySpot) to connect directly with other parents or setup play dates (hand written notes sent in with your child also work)
Example Goal: Education
  • Look in your child’s backpack daily, see what they are working on in class
  • Read Teacher e-mails thoroughly
  • Ask your child specific/factual-type questions (ex. who did you sit next to? who worked with you?) which help open them up to talking about the actual subject material or how they feel about it
  • Read to them, give them time each day to read, provide regular access to new reading material
  • Share your interests and experiences, especially talk about how you make decisions or solve problems – explain your thinking